

Carwai Seto

Eighth Grade Math Teacher

Carwai Seto completed her B.A. in chemistry at Princeton University and her M.Ed. in education at Lesley University in Boston, MA. Originally from Nova Scotia, Canada, she has taught for 25+ years in independent schools in Massachusetts, Maryland, and California in roles ranging from elementary science specialist to sixth through eighth grade math and science teacher. Carwai is passionate about making math accessible for all students and exposing young people to the beauty and power of mathematics. She enjoys expressing herself creatively by making origami, knitting, cooking, and bullet journaling. A recovering competitive swimmer, Carwai competed for Chinese Taipei in the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul, South Korea. She joined Black Pine Circle School in 2013.

Teaching Since





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Why I Work with Children

I love teaching because it is the gift that keeps on giving. I love seeing the world through the eyes of young people. They are full of potential, hope, and humanity and I feel fortunate and privileged to be a small part of their journey. I want to empower them to meet challenges and to celebrate their gifts. They are the future.

A Favorite Book

Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maude Montgomery. Anne was a hero to me. She was unique and saw the world through a different lens. She struggled to fit in, but she did not let her circumstances change who she was. Instead, she made mistakes, learned from them, and continued to win over the hearts of those who were not kindred spirits. Anne was an eternal optimist and full of hope. She took on the world with a fierceness that inspired me. Now, the book reminds me of home and keeps me seeking the beauty in the world.

Quick Fact

Loves to travel

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